Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences Office Directory
Meet the SLHS Department faculty and staff!
Starting 8/12/2024 the SLHS Dept will be back in our Central Classroom 120 location! If you are coming for an in-person appointment please follow the signage to the new SLHS CN 120 entrance!
Meet the SLHS Department faculty and staff!
Looking for someone who works at MSU Denver?
The Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences Department is here for you!
Have a question about any of the SLHS programs we offer? Fill out the form linked below and a member of the SLHS department will get back to you.
Contact FormSLHS Office Campus Location:
Central Classroom (CN) 120
SLHS Phone:
SLHS Email:
Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences Department
P.O. Box 173362 Campus Box 34
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Office Location on Campus: